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With illustrations that feature witty remarks like "Are you awake? I really need to show you this cat video" or "I don't care where we eat, as long as it's not at any of the 12 places you just named," this hilarious adult coloring book may just hit a little too close to home.

This is one coloring book that's definitely not for kids, but if you're not easily offended, it'll certainly give you a good laugh while you color to your heart's content.

Using crayons, felt tip pens, glue, glitter (eek!) and stickers, our testers really enjoyed getting stuck in – we were initially unsure as to whether the lack of direction might put them off, but simply the shape of the paper was enough to fuel their imaginations. Our youngest tester thought the teddy bear was “so cute” and happily doodled over the pages, while the older two took their teddy bear design quite seriously and enjoyed challenging each other to colour different types of bears – more pirate bear and sleepy bear than polar bear and brown bear.

Parragon Publishing entered the market in 2006 and steadily grew from serving the Indian market to conquering the global stage. As an established publishing powerhouse, the company presents a diverse collection of literary treasures for readers of all ages including children’s literature, cookbooks, lifestyle, and reference titles. Parragon’s name echoes the resonance of excellence.

Coloring pages and coloring books have been around since the 1880s and were created as part of the “democratization of art” process.  

This isn’t a sad book meant to mourn their disappearance but an inspiring book that’ll help you keep their magnificence top of mind. Fragile World features elaborate illustrations of 56 endangered, vulnerable, and threatened animals and landscapes.

There’s eight metres of fun ocean scenes to colour in, featuring everything from whales and squids to submarines and buried treasure.

These days, coloring isn't just for kids. Some say adult coloring books help them cope with anxiety, and experts agree there's plenty of evidence to support that notion. What's more, the best adult coloring books are far from basic—the advanced options are chock-full of beautiful and insanely intricate designs; others are a little irreverent; some are more functional, doubling as a journal or a calendar; and you can buy instructional types, teaching a new skill like calligraphy.

As well as this Information comprehensive tour of art history, Prestel also has smaller colouring books following the same interactive style, focussing on individual artists like Klee and Monet, which also got the thumbs up from our older testers.

"There are so many colors, this is amazing! The gel pens come in a nice little box and even have some sample coloring pages. I even got gel pen refills, which is so cool and unique!"

You'll also find a darling birdhouse coloring page, a vase full of intricate flowers, and butterflies and bees flying about a lovely flower garden. Start coloring for spring today!

Find a topic that piques your interest—you can draw inspiration from the best books of all time, books for your zodiac sign, books by female authors, and romance novels—and then choose from among these 20 highly rated adult coloring books.

Get the children to color in the illustration, and then you, as the adult, will draw in a few lines on the back, including one to separate the message section from the address section.

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